Welcome to inspired minds


women are historically underfunded and underpaid.

Women are historically underfunded and underpaid. This is why I am so passionate about teaching how to start self-funding online businesses! It can be incredibly difficult if not impossible for women (especially women of color) to get business loans, secure investors, or receive funding of any kind really! Thankfully we have a number of different organizations working to change that. In addition to those agencies, my contribution to the movement is an affordable yet comprehensive membership program that teaches women the skills they need to build online, self-funding businesses. Nobody should start a business in debt, the stress and anxiety of that can be crippling. Starting a business should be fun, exciting, and relatively low risk. By learning how to build a low cost, self-funding online business more women can take back control of their financial lives all while creating true, impactful change in this world!

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Inspired Minds
One time
For 6 months

Welcome to Inspired Minds! This program is designed just for you as you begin your journey towards creating a self-funding business you love. Inside this course, we will go through the basics of building a business infrastructure that lasts without the need for a huge upfront investment or a large social media following to start! Take back your financial power and create a debt-free business that leverages the power of free social media marketing and truly allows you to make impactful change!

✓ Business Tips
✓ Personal Growth Exercises
✓ Inspired Minds Course

inspiring minds. building community. starting a journey.

Hi my is Kalei and I am so excited to take you on a journey to inspire you to chase after your wildest dreams. Each and every one of us is so beautifully unique and different. There is no one else on the planet like me, no one else like you. The world needs more of us living in alignment with our true selves and sharing our light with the world. What if you could stop letting fear hold you back? What if you didn’t care what others thought? What if you able to actively create the life you truly wanted?

My goal through this project is to help inspire at least one person to take the leap, to truly live life in the way their heart desires. Step into your true potential. Your time is now.

WHat is your why?

Hi, My name is Kalei and I am a wife, a busy mom, an entrepreneur, an animal lover, a painter, a writer, a dreamer, and so much more. My goal with this project is to help others like me be inspired to chase their dreams. I have gone for so long too scared to take action, telling myself theres not enough time in the day or that no one cares about what I have to say. But that is simply just not true. There is no one else on the planet like me, nor is there anyone else like you. We are all beautifully unique individuals that have something different to share. It is your time to step into the light and be your true self. Chase your dreams and live in your light. The world is waiting for you.

  • From business tips to live group coaching, there is a little something for everyone!

  • Keep up to date with our progress every step of the way!

  • By surrounding yourself with a community that serves to uplift you and encourage you, you will have an upperhand when dealing with the challenges that come with building a business or an idea.

Make a donation.

for those who may want to support our cause with a one time donation. thank you for investing in us!
