clear, effective, and consistent communication is the foundation of good Dog training. Learn how today!

what is marker training?

Marker training is a training system that establishes a clear and effective communication system between human and canine through the use of three simple words; yes, no, and good! It is a highly effective way to communicate to the dog what you do and do not want from them in a simple yet impactful way. Dogs are highly intelligent creatures and by using this communication system, we can streamline their ability to learn and retain information!

learn the balanced marker training system.

  • Celebrate the Small Wins

    When teaching anyone (dog, human, or other) something new, it is much more effective to celebrate their small wins and polish rather than pointing out everything they’re doing wrong. By building confidence, building their knowledge base, and opening lines of communication, we can really see a massive improvements across the board.

  • Consistency is Key.

    When learning a new skill, it takes time to cement the knowledge and become proficient. Therefore, when we are training our dogs - we need to be consistent with them until the training system becomes second nature. Every home is unique and it is so important to learn how to make the system work for you and your pups!

  • Endless possibilities

    When you learn how to master the marker training system through just a few basic commands, the possibilities are truly endless. By learning how to teach and proof simple commands, you can apply the same skills to teaching nearly anything!

Our Services

  • For dog owners

    Our Introduction to Marker Training Course is a super fun course to take with your dog! You will learn how to effectively use the marker training system in daily life and beyond while forming an even deeper bond with your dog! No dog is too old, no breed unfit - this course is for everyone and every dog!

  • For dog trainers

    Our training expansion program is geared towards dog trainers who are looking for a way to reach more people and create greater change in an effective way! We help you create the systems necessary to efficiently reach more people and help more dogs.