Chickens - The bEst thing you never knew you needed.

Chickens can help save the world!

Chicken keeping is a highly effective way to directly help reduce greenhouse gases.

When we keep chickens, we begin to realize that these little tiny raptors truly live up to their names! They are ravenous little creatures that will happily eat up most of your household kitchen scraps. As a bonus, they will also forage for little bugs and insects that are around your property too! Chickens are able to turn all of this waste into a beautifully nutritious food source - eggs! A flock of 4 hens can easily provide a surplus amount of eggs for a family of 4! This is a great way to help reduce pests, reduce food waste, and be able to receive a nutrient dense food source in return. When we reduce our food waste, we reduce the amount of food going into landfills - which in turn helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions! You can directly have a hand in helping our planet through chicken keeping!

Photo Credit: @samuelbryngelsson

chickens also…

Teach children animal husbandry and let them play a part in where they get their food from.

Allow families to take back some control in where their food comes from

provide high levels of joy to their caregivers!

Begin your chicken journey today!

Introduction to Silkie Chickens
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For 3 months

Join us on a journey through the intricacies of the Silkie Chicken! One of the most unique, mystical chickens of them all. Take a deep dive into the color genetics of 20 different varieties, housing, nutrition, and so much more all about Silkies!

Chicken Keeping 101
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For 3 months

All about Chickens! Everything you need to know to get started with keeping the coolest, most enriching bird around! Terms and Conditions Apply.

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